[Salon] The EU has paid for t e arrest warrant against Putin


March 21, 2023

The EU has paid for the arrest warrant against Putin

I have already shown that the West has allegedly "capt" neutral international institutions in my article on the arrest warrant against Russian President Putin and the Russian Children's Commissioner using several examples. In my latest book "Putin's Plan" I discussed this in much more detail than is possible in an article.

Organizations such as the OSCE and others are abused by the West as instruments for its political goals by the states of the West using their majority of votes, which was already enshrined when most of these organizations were founded. At the OPCW, for example, after a commission set up by the UN found no evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, the West has not only created a new commission with its majority, which should find the desired "evidence", but the states of the West have also paid this commission themselves. It was therefore not surprising that this commission then provided the findings wanted by the West.

The purchased arrest warrant

On the 8th In June 2022, the EU announced in a press release that it would financially support the "investigations" of the International Criminal Court on war crimes in Ukraine with several million euros. The decision on this has already been made earlier and in the press release it sounded like this:

"Already on the 25th April (2022), Eurojust and the ICC agreed to join forces and involve the Court of Justice in the EU's joint investigation team. Information on possible war crimes and crimes against humanity is currently being collected in order to enable investigations and court rulings in the future and to hold those responsible for war crimes accountable."

One might think that this would be welcome, but the investigation is one-sided. Ukraine is not being investigated. The International Criminal Court expressly does not investigate the war crimes committed undisputedly by the Ukrainian side. This is not an insinuation of me, this was clearly stated in the EU press release:

"The project is intended to help fight impunity for international crimes worldwide. This also intensifies the ongoing investigation into the Russian war crimes in Ukraine. (...) There must be no impunity for the crimes committed under Russian occupation."

At that time, the EU announced that it was explicitly providing 7.25 million euros for investigations against Russia. In the meantime, the sum has even been increased, as EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders on the 20th. March 2023 announced:

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression, the EU Commission has provided 10 million euros to support the work of the ICC in Ukraine. And let me assure you that the EU is still ready to provide the necessary material support, as the situation in Ukraine requires an appropriate response. Recently, the Commission has decided to continue EU support of 3 million euros until 2025. In addition, the European Commission, the EU Council and the countries of the Community are discussing coordination and a request for additional assistance from the Public Prosecutor's Office of the International Criminal Court.

The staff of the Court of Justice

The fact that the International Criminal Court follows the will of its donors from the EU and has investigated exclusively against Russia and has now even issued arrest warrants is also not surprising because practically all judges of the Court of Justice come from the states of the West. Of the 18 judges currently working at the Court of Justice, eleven come from states of the US-led West, with eight judges from NATO states (Czech Republic, Great Britain, France, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Canada) and another three judges also come from states that belong to the sphere of power of the US-led West (Japan, Philippines and South Korea). In addition, there are judges from states that also follow the West politically (for example, Trinidad and Tobago or the Dominican Republic).

The origin of those responsible at the International Court of Justice ensures that the Court of Justice carries out the political wishes of the West. And this is exactly what we experience in practice, because the International Criminal Court has never investigated US presidents, although, for example, George Bush Junior indisputably illegally attacked Iraq and war crimes were committed in the process, for which no one was punished either. The same applies to all other wars that states of the West have waged since the establishment of the Court of Justice and that were not approved by the UN Security Council and have not been a defense against an attack on one of the Western countries.

In terms of international law, all wars that Western states have waged since the founding of the International Court of Justice in 2002 were illegal. However, the International Court of Justice was not interested in this and no investigations into war crimes by the West were started and no arrest warrants were issued against Western heads of government.

When establishing the International Court of Justice, the West ensured that the Court of Justice makes the decisions that the West wants. And in the case of Ukraine, this is even openly financed by the EU.

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